24th February 2020

#Food & Drink #Youngs

Curious as a Cucumber

24th February 2020

Join us on Wednesday 18th March to celebrate one of our favourite days of the year in conjunction with Hendrick’s Gin and Fever-Tree mixers, as we welcome back Cucumber Currency Day!

Yes you heard it right, we’ll be swapping a refreshing glass of Hendrick’s Gin and Fever Tree Tonic for the unsung hero of the vegetable world, the humble cucumber. But before you start cultivating your cucumbers in anticipation we’ve compiled a few of our favourite facts about the most curious of veggies. 

The ancient Egyptians made a weak liquor from cucumber by cutting a hole in the ripe fruit, stirring the inside with a stick to liquefy it, plugging the hole with wax and then burying the cucumber in the ground for several days.


Of course if you live in an apartment burying your cucumber may not be option, so we’d recommend downloading Young’s On Tap and claiming yours on March 18th.  

Whilst we all strive to be as cool as a cucumber did you know that cucumbers have been documented throughout history for their medicinal and cooling properties. 17th-century physicians recommended that fever patients sleep on a bed of cucumbers which would absorb the fever and leave the patients “cool as a cucumber.”


Probably our favourite fact about the cucumber, is that it is also said to ward off hangovers! – Why did we ever leave the house without one? 


They also aid weight loss, and freshen breath and are reputed to act as a pest repellent against vipers, mice, wood lice, fish-moths, grubs and slugs. And  if all that wasn’t enough, they’ve been variously recommended as a shoe polish, mirror defogger, WD40 substitute, pen/marker eraser and sink and stainless steel cleaner

To get your green fingers round a digital cucumber simply download Young’s On Tap and visit ‘My Treats’ on March 18th  and if you find yourself in The City of London on Cucumber Currency Day, keep your eyes peeled for the Hendrick’s Cucumbologists to be in with a chance of winning a year’s supply of Hendrick’s . 


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If you need to speak to speak to us sooner, give us a call on and a member of the team will be happy to help.