3rd January 2020

#Food & Drink #Youngs

5 ways the pub can fend off the winter blues this January by Snita Pandoria (@herfavfood)

3rd January 2020

For many people January signals the end of the festive party season, and with it a return to a familiar dull routine in colder and darker days.

This change can often trigger what is widely known as the winter blues, and it particularly affects people in the month of January. However, taking steps to look after yourself and maintaining your winter wellness can help keep your spirits up and the good old British pub is actually a great place to achieve this.

Even if you’re doing Dry January, the pub can help in more ways than you think and here are some ways in which the humble pub can help you feel your best throughout the long month of January.

1. Relax in a cosy setting

As the temperature drops and the rain falls, spending some time in a cosy location with a relaxing ambiance can really help soothe the soul. Your local pub can often provide a warming refuge not too far from home, especially when there’s a roaring fireplace.

On a cold dark afternoon I head over to The Lamb, my local pub in Bloomsbury, and nestle into one of their comforting booths for the afternoon. This beautifully preserved pub is Grade II listed and full of charming Victorian features. It is also one of the few remaining pubs with a ‘snob screen’, giving you some space to relax away.


2. Surround yourself with people

January can be a lonely month for many, yet it is the company of others that helps beat the blues. Studies have shown that regular interactions with other people can help keep your mood boosted, and there is no better place for good conversation than the local pub.

I often find it difficult to make time for everyone in December, but I make up for this by scheduling in time for drinks and a catch-up with friends or family in January. Most people have much more availability during this month, making it the perfect time to reach out to loved-ones.

3. Embrace the outdoors (followed by a good lunch)

Natural sunshine is one of the best ways to beat the winter blues, as it helps the release of hormones in your brain which boosts your mood.  When the sun is out, I love to go out on a wintery walk and surround myself in nature. I usually like to split a long walk in two with a stop over for lunch in a pub on the way. This is a great way to take a break in a warm setting with some delicious food, before heading out for the walk back.


4. Eat well

After spending the month of December stocking up on heavy dishes, I like to give my body a break in January. I find that eating well is a great way to reset for the new year.

As a result of this popular desire to detox in January, Veganuary is becoming increasingly popular and many restaurants and pubs cater for this trend by offering alternative vegetarian and vegan dishes. Young’s pubs always have a large variety of dishes that cater for this. Their menus are focused on seasonal British dishes which are cooked using fresh produce and this focus on eating right can really make a difference to your mood.

5. Treat yourself!

Finally, although January marks the start of new year’s resolutions, often applying hard and unrealistic goals to yourself can actually have the opposite effect, making you feel worse about yourself if you can’t meet them.

It’s important to watch out for these negative patterns of behaviour and to instead build in occasional treats. I love to enjoy comfort food in winter and my self-care treat to myself after eating well during the week is a delicious Sunday roast. There are few things in life better than roast lamb with crispy roast potatoes, fluffy Yorkshire puddings, and seasonal veg topped with lots of gravy. It’s a great way to mark the end of a long week and to start the next week the right way. I’d say the best Sunday roasts are served in pubs, as they usually come with all the trimmings, are full of flavour, and I can just enjoy without worrying about the washing up!

So those are my reasons why the pub is the best place to be this January. So take some time for yourself and head to your local pub this month to unwind, socialise and stay positive.

Snita Pandoria

Her Favourite Food



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