Leadership Team


Kara Alderin
Director of Operations

Kara leads the operations of Young’s rooms division, stretching from Wandsworth to the Cotswolds and across the South of England.

Jon Falarczyk
Director of Operations

Jon leads the operations in South West London, Central London, the City and the home counties.

Stuart Gallyot
Director of Property

Stuart heads up the property team and has overall responsibility for delivering the capital expenditure and development plans for existing pubs, acquisitions of new pubs and estate management.

Gail Khan
Director of HR

Gail oversees the HR function, with responsibility for HR support, policy design and employee relations.

Chris Knights
Director of Food

Chris has responsibility for the group’s food operations and the development of the kitchen teams.

Grant Macfarlane
Director of IT

Grant heads up the technology function and manages the relationships with our external software, hardware and support partners.

Gillian McLaren
Director of Marketing

Gillian heads up the group sales and marketing function and is also responsible for commercial procurement of our premium drink offer and maximising commercial value.

Aly Neale
Director of Operations

Aly leads the pub operations in the North, West and South London regions.


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